About Pyllola
We're a dedicated team of English-speaking doctors in Italy, specializing in primary care for tourists, travelers and expatriates.
We offer Instant Access to so you can connect with qualified physicians via telemedicine online consultations in minutes 7 days a week; Language Comfort so you can explain your symptoms and understand your treatment in English; Convenience so you won't disrupt your itinerary; Our doctors have the expertise to understand the unique health challenges travelers encounter. Here you can find the best "MD near me" to ensure your health is in expert hands.
I’m Isaac, I'm an entrepreneur and I travel frequently for work. About Three years ago or so, we visited a European country where they usually speak only their local language. I had some ear infection, and trying to see a doctor there was a nightmare, I spent almost half a day finding one that spoke only his language.
Upon returning home, I gathered some good friends trying to solve this very common problem. We established Pyllola, an online urgent care service aimed to deliver medical care for travelers expats and tourists in Europe.
First, I'd like to summarize the most prominent benefits of this service:
Benefits of Video-Call with a Doctor:
Tourists can receive medical advice from the comfort of their accommodation, avoiding the stress of navigating an unfamiliar city to find a clinic. This service ensures you get the care you need without the added hassle of travel. Read here about comparison of online visit and in-person visit for tourists in Italy.
Virtual medical consultations often cost less than in-person visits, and you can save on travel and the need to cancel your plans. The total expenses associated with visiting a clinic are substantially decreased.
You can consult with a Medical Doctor who might not be available in your current location, ensuring that you receive top-notch care no matter where you are. This can be especially helpful in remote areas, like in other parts of Tuscany or southern Italy, or while in agritourism. (Look here at our post about health hazard while in agritourism in Tuscany)
Appointments can be more efficient, often allowing for quicker scheduling and shorter wait times. During the visit, the doctor is fully focused on providing you with the best healthcare without any distractions. See here our suggestions on how to have a succesful online medical visit.

Especially useful during pandemics or for those with compromised immune systems, as it minimizes exposure to illnesses and contact with other people who may have communicable diseases in the waiting room.
Scheduling appointments at times that might be inconvenient for in-person visits can be a great way to manage your time more effectively. This flexibility allows you to fit appointments into your schedule without the need to travel, making it easier to balance your commitments.
Enhanced Communication
Video calls enable doctors to pick up on body language and other visual cues that are crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. This can be especially helpful when in-person visits aren't possible, ensuring patients still receive comprehensive care.
Understanding tourists’ needs, we selected a simple, fast and easy quality healthcare solution so, we chose to focus on online medical visits only, given the waste experience our doctors already had in this field. A video call with a doctor that’s available almost to anyone and everywhere. This type of medical encounter, that is called telemedicine, has gained popularity during the pandemic. Nowadays, in the USA, about 30% of medical encounters with general practitioners are done by video call, and numbers are expected to increase to reach 50–70% in the coming years. In Europe, the use of telehealth is still lower but is rising fast.
We thought of a healthcare service that would be very easy to implement for patients, so we opted for a no-registration, no-download web-based platform, and we established a service tailored for English-speaking tourists in Italy. You can have a video call with a doctor within minutes and also receive an e-prescription that can be used at any local pharmacy without needing to print it.
The service is called Pyllola, that is the Italian word for Pill (with an intended spelling twist). It offers access to highly experienced physicians in Italy who are well-trained in providing online medical assistance. Through a user-friendly platform, you can connect with qualified general practitioners from the comfort of your accommodation ensuring you receive prompt and effective medical care.
To date Pyllola is the only healthcare provider in Italy that is exclusively focused on online medical services, and as the saying goes, practice makes perfect.
There are clear benefits to the service, but first, let me assure you that medical research demonstrates that the quality of care is equal to or higher than that of conducting an in-person visit. You can check out this post for more details and references.
Our Doctors
Pyllola takes pride in its network of exceptional doctors, chosen for
their extensive experience and dedication to patient care.
Our doctors are:
Board-Certified: Each doctor is fully certified and brings substantial clinical experience. General practitioners are experience in providing online medical health.
Multilingual: Our doctors speak multiple languages, including English and Italian and some of them speak other languages, ensuring effective communication.
Compassionate and Patient-Centered: We prioritize your well-being and comfort, providing empathetic and patient-focused care to make you feel at ease.

Pyllola.com is an Italian-based company, owned and operated by Pyllola SRLs (P. IVA 17138481001) in Rome, Italy.
All our doctors are fully licensed in Italy and all of them are well experienced doctors. Some are family practice physicians and some general practitioners, all of them speak English and Italian, and some speak additional languages. Our healthcare services are available 7 days a week.
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